Benvenuto Brunello 2018 : 16-19 February 2018
Oscar Farinetti's tile celebrating the 2013 vintage
At the end of February Montalcino will be heaving with visitors who have come to attend the 26th edition of Benvenuto Brunello. The word kermesse will be used at every possible opportunity, wrists will shake from pouring and many of us will be surreptitiously rubbing our teeth and wishing that we had ordered a maxi-pack of wine-wipes. The four day wine-fest - or should I say kermesse - is a unique opportunity to see many of Montalcino's two hundred plus producers standing cheek to jowl in their Sunday best. If you think you might want a hair appointment in the days beforehand you really should consider booking now, and the same goes for hotels. Please see here for a few accommodation suggestions.Benvenuto Brunello is a wonderful chance to really get to grips with the 2013 vintage in all its manifestations. Sunday 18th and Monday 19th are the days that are open for accredited trade and committed public. Admission is for ticket holders only and can be purchased at €40 here. Trade visitors have free access (two per company) but must also book via the Consorzio website from January onwards. Last but not least, we will learn how many stars the 2017 vintage has received. We will discover who has been commissioned to commemorate our most recent harvest and the tile celebrating the vintage will be cemented into place on the walls of the town hall.