Montalcino wineries on Twitter

I live at the very end of a dirt road, work from home/live at my work and have three children under the age of eight. Where do I go out?The answer is Twitter. While SM experts often underline the difficulty in calculating the ROI of social media, some of our clients and distributors have been a direct result of online activity (@Rodrigo @anthonydanna @poggioallegro @wineconfi and all the rest of you ... you know who you are). Il Palazzone was the first estate in Italy to put the twitter logo on our front label and we were recently considered to be number four in the top 12 Italian "players" on the wine scene. If you spread our followers per number of bottles produced (only 4348 bottles of Brunello 2008) this is a source of enormous satisfaction.I have been compiling a list of other Montalcino wineries on Twitter. So far only a handful of the total producers are active but I really believe that this is the way for small wineries to be connected with their final consumers and with those who buy, propose and pour their wines.Happy Wine Wednesday! The list is here.