Benvenuto 2013!

Happy New Year, to all you FOPS out there!!! 2012 ended on a terrible note in Montalcino, with an atrocious act of wine vandalism. During one night at the beginning of December 600 Hl of cult Brunello was poured literally down the drain at Case Basse, the wonderful estate of Gianfranco Soldera. The culprit, an ex-employee, has been apprehended and all Montalcino is waiting to see what kind of justice will be served. News of a copycat crime in Sicily just after Christmas has shocked the wine-world once again.For us here at Il Palazzone, 2012 goes down in our history as the year in which the new cellar was completed. It marks a new and exciting chapter in our wine-making, and the chance for our cellar-man, Jacopo Ferretti, to really show his mettle. 2012 was the year a soprano broke into song in the fermentation room, the year we heaved and hoved eight 50 HL fermentation casks and as many 40 HL aging oak barrels up our legendarily difficult hill. A year of hard work and huge satisfaction.The last few days have been heart-stoppingly beautiful. A sea of fog is quickly replaced by the brightest blue skies. The persimmons are still on the trees, looking like forgotten Christmas decorations; improbable orange orbs. In the late afternoon the long shadows of the cypress trees stretch out across the vineyards and the silvery olive groves. Monte Amiata is powdered with snow, the vines are in repose – and so are we – readying ourselves for this new year. May 2013 be kind to us all. Bring it on!