Happy New Year !!!
Wherever you come from and whatever holidays you celebrate or calendar you follow, January is always a time of reflection and reset.
Vigne Basse Acquisition
Il Palazzone is proud to announce the acquisition of the vineyards of Società Albatreti, on a site adjacent to Il Palazzone’s existing vineyards. The newly acquired parcel, an historic jewel of Montalcino, is known for spectacular galestro soil and south westerly exposure, further enhancing the terroir and elevation profile of Il Palazzone.
January News from Il Palazzone
Felice Anno Nuovo! Salutations, Friends, and Happy New Year!
Welcome to the new quarterly newsletter!
2022 is one for the books and what a year it has been! Our first full year as owners was packed with plans, ideas and a very steep learning curve…
Goodbye and Hello
We are sad to share the news that Laura Gray is leaving Il Palazzone. We are very sorry to lose her, although we are excited for her as she discovers her next adventures. For now, she is planning to finish her book, The Magpies Guide to Montalcino, while she considers new opportunities.
A perfect pairing for our Brunello 2017
Brooklyn-born Hillary Sterling is the executive chef of Ci Siamo, Union Square Hospitality Group's latest restaurant in Manhattan West. Her experience includes A Voce, salami and butchery at Lupa Osteria and Bobby Flay’s Mesa Grill.
2017 Harvest Report
It is no secret that 2017 was a tough vintage in Montalcino. January was wonderfully cold, with night temperatures as low as -6 C (21F) but by March temperatures were 2.5 degrees celsius warmer than "normal" (hitting 22C/71.6F) and we had had half the usual rainfall.
Il Vero Sesto Cajo Baccelli 2022
Discover this amazing little farmers’ almanac that has been published in Florence for the last 145 years.
A moveable feast in Montalcino
On Sunday 3rd October 2021, the four quarters of Montalcino are holding a moveable feast with a course at each of their headquarters, rooms usually absolutely inaccessible to the general public.
It’s the little things…
As the vines grow into a vertical wall of foliage, we tuck them between the foliage wires and clip the parallel wires together for tension and guidance. For the last fifteen or so years we have used an ecological and biodegradable clip.
Tape Triumph : one small packaging improvement
Our processes and dry goods are under constant scrutiny since we are always keen to improve our practice as far as sustainability is concerned, be it through plant-based closures or the decision to lightweight our bottles back in 2010.
Good luck Jenny!
Jenny McCathern Cuddihy is leaving us for vineyards new. After nearly eight years as our US person, responsible for distribution, marketing and sales and much more, we wish you a hearty In Bocca Al Lupo! Your smile will be missed.
Finally Brunello…. are you ready NYC?
Finally Brunello is an ambitious, multi-location week-long event organised by the Consorzio del Brunello to promote Brunello and Rosso di Montalcino all the while supporting the restaurant industry that has suffered so terribly of late.