From our trees to your kitchen - olive oil is now available in the US!

Calling all olive oil lovers! A small amount of our most recent bottling of extra virgin olive oil has just arrived in the US.If you have tasted our olive oil already, you know that we put as much care and love into our olives as we do into the grapes for our Brunello. We pay special attention to timing, which is critical to producing a high quality oil. If the olives are too green when they are picked, they produce a bitter oil; if they are over-ripe and fall to the ground, they can become damaged. Because we harvest the olives early, the result is an olive highly concentrated in flavor. While the early harvest produces a much lower total yield, (normal for us is just 9 kg of olive oil per every 100 kg of olives pressed), the result is a burst of flavor. To ensure that only the best olives are going into our oil, we hand pick each and every one of our olives (which means it can take up to an entire day to harvest all the olives from a single tree!)
We work with Frantoio Franci, twice awarded "Best Producer in the World" and just 20 minutes from Montalcino, so that our olives are pressed within hours of coming off the trees. The oil itself is certified IGP Toscano, which means that is has been submitted to rigorous quality controls. Indicazione Geografica Protteta means that this oil is guaranteed and government certified as being entirely Tuscan in terms of quality and origin. After pressing, the oil undergoes a series of analyses and panel tests not only to ensure quality but also to establish the oil's tipicità, i.e. that it fully represents Tuscan oil in every aspect of taste and appearance. The whole procedure, from the branch to the bottle, must take place within Tuscany.
To get a bottle or a case sent directly to your home, email for more information. If you would like to adopt your own olive tree, receive 3 bottles of our oil before it is released for sale and be immortalized in our olive groves, email to choose your tree before the next harvest.