Hello March in Montalcino

Spring seems to be with us and all traces of February’s snow are long gone. Timid crocus or zafferano are peeping out of the grass and wild asparagus are in season, just waiting to be hunted down by Marco. Mimosa and almond trees blossom in bright yellow and delicate pink in the warm spots of Montalcino’s hills. At this time of year, these splashes of colour are a visual guide to where the sun hits first and longest amongst the various vineyards.This week we received an exciting delivery of baby Sangiovese barbatelle, baby vine-stocks, and we will be planting the lovely nubbly things in our Castelnuovo vineyards in a few gaps where there are vines missing. They are covered with green paraffin to protect them in transit. We buy them from a registered nursery in Pisa and they cost a massive 80 Eurocents a plant….The chaps, Osso and Jacopo, have been in the vineyards all week, folding over and tying up by hand any loose shoots on the existing vinestocks. We have pruned all our vineyards; to see them and the state of the new cellar, there are some beautiful shots by talented photographer Adam Allegro here.