Montalcino monsoon and manine

Another 10 cm of rain fell in Montalcino between Sunday 5th and Wednesday 8th June but today it is bright, hot and clear. We can see the sea from the property, less than 40 km as the crow flies. Last week the alternation of massive rainfall with humid sticky afternoons created the perfect conditions for fungus and mould to develop. Marco worked double-duty; walking the vineyards, checking the winds, keeping an eye out for trouble. We dusted one part of the vineyard with ionised sulphur as a preventive measure but things are looking good so far. Marco found seven porcini this morning, edible confirmation of the danger we were in last week. Mushrooms in the woodlands thrive in the same conditions as mould in the vineyards.The vines are growing upwards, anchoring themselves to the foliage wires with their tendrils. While the agronomical term is viticci, in Montalcino they are known as manine – little hands – since it’s as if the vines are clinging to the wires for support.