The Time Capsule

In the next week or so we will be cementing our time capsule into the foundations of the new cellar to confuse, perplex and ultimately disappoint some far-off generation of alien archaeologists. What will they make of our peculiar offerings?
A bottle of Il Palazzone Brunello 2000; the first vintage picked and produce
The head builder’s ruler and marker pen, bearing his name, Salvatore
A message from the Sig. Pacella, our general contractor
The estate postcard of a clapped out old Fiat on the property
Consorzio del Brunello information booklet
Magnifying lens for looking at grapes from Massimo Achilli, our agronomer (the first he ever owned)
A sketch of the cellar by Marco Pignatti, the architect
A spanner from Andrea Meacci, FOP and mechanic
A used cartridge from Marco Sassetti
An impenetrable code created by a New York FOP
The table for sugar/alcohol levels in fermenting grapes from Paolo Vagaggini, our enologist
An instant coffee capsule
A Milan/Buonconvento train ticket
Our 2011 harvest team signatures
A pouch containing secrets
A special paperclip from Mandy Presser
A union jack from Laura Gray
Assorted coins from Italy, Britain, USA, Tunisia and Marocco
A cigarette lighter (that should keep them guessing)
A trusty Bic pen
A beer opener from the Seversons
A cardboard bone from Gianni Petricci, known as Osso
A plastic frog from Jacopo Ferretti, cellar-man
This year’s on-site price list
Isla and James’ harvest label
One of our corks
A piece of hose from the plumber
The time capsule tin itself, hand-made by Paolo Pieri