Keeping kids happy under the Tuscan sun : Part One
This is not going to turn into a mum blog, and heaven forbid, certainly not a mommy blog.... but I do have several children and, above all, I was once a child on holiday in Tuscany. While wine, food, views and religious art may be the components of many adults’ dream vacation, their offspring are not always of the same opinion.
Days out from Montalcino (no more than 45 minutes drive away)
Goat petting and cookery
Between Pienza and Montepulciano you will find a farm called Podere Il Casale. They make wonderful cheese and have ponies, goats and sheep galore. It’s what’s known as a “podere didattico” and they receive a lot of school groups from the area. They also offer activity mornings that would work for a family. Their Corso Pizza or Pane has everyone getting their hands sticky making bread and pizza, includes a visit of the farm, animals and cheese-making facilities and culminates with lunch (the pizza you made plus seasonal vegetables and a quarter litre of wine).
Contact Sandra Tel. 0578 755109.
Podere Il Casale - Podere Casale, 64 - 53026 Pienza (SI)
Up the mountain….
The Monte Amiata chair lift is 1552 metres long and goes up 348 metres. It is always open at August weekends and often in July too, though its worth ringing to check (0577 778237). A one-way pass costs around 4,50 Euros. Its quite something to go up the mountain slopes with your feet dangling over the trees. It takes two to a chair.
Extreme tree climbing
Località Prato delle Macinaie - 58033 Castel del Piano (GR) |
Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri
This is a amazing 16 hectare woodland park with nearly 90 modern sculptures by different artists. It was setup by Swiss artist, Daniel Spoerri. Some pieces are enormous while others are minute and visitors are free to wander at leisure amongst the woods and pastures. Be warned, a lot of Spoerri’s work is quite macabre (lots of skulls and spiky things) but I have been here with children of all ages who have loved it. There is lots of exploring to do, telescopes to look though, buttons to push, pedal operated clanky sculptures, a fire-breathing dragon, grass covered sofas and a whole room in cast iron at an angle…. Its open from Easter to October from 11 am to 7pm. There’s a restaurant on site, run by the wonderful Roberto Rossi, who also owns nearby Il Silene.
Loc. Pescina 58038 Seggiano GROSSETO Tel. + 39 0564 950 026