Montalcino curiosities

Some things you might not know about Montalcino
The demonym for the inhabitants of Montalcino is ilcinesi, singular ilcinese.
There is a wine-shop every 19 inhabitants (Source: Museum of Brunello).
There is a Museum of Brunello, on the road between Montalcino and Castelnuovo dell'Abate.
The population of 5278 residents includes people from 51 different nationalities.
Actually 2013 data show that almost double the national average (7.4%). Full data and analysis in Italian by winenews.
In 1980 there were 37 Brunello producers of which only 12 were bottlers : there are now over 200 Brunello producers. The 2014 Consorzio del Brunello map can be found here.
Brunello di Montalcino was the first DOCG to be officialised back in 1980.
The price of Brunello vineyards varies from 300-500.000 Euros per hectare (Source: Knight Frank Global Vineyard Index)
A prehistoric whale was unearthed while preparing a vineyard in February 2007. What was that about terroir?
A painting by Bonaventura Salimbeni (1567-1613) in the San Pietro Church seems to depict a UFO. There is a lovely piece about it in Italian by Alessandro Schwed and a more rational English explanation here.
But perhaps most important of all:
You can learn how to make artisan ice-cream at Why Not on Wednesday mornings.